Jumaat, 30 April 2010
1) He say YES and give U what you want
2) He say WAIT and give U another time
3) He say NO and give U something better
I hope to be hired soon, I'm so worried. Is not because of the economic cricis make it worse, it is because some of my friends already got many interviews and some already can be call junior engineer. (">)
I always keep positive thinking.
Even most of the people around me advise me
" wait.."
I'm too much thinking!!
Now, I miss so much my friends. Those who bare to stand my good and bad attitude, who inspired me a lot, who remember me to ALLah..
How they do??
Isnin, 26 April 2010
full TIME!
gUESS wHat??
I'm STArtEd to FEel BoreD BeInG FuLL TiMe UnEmpLoYeD..
AS i WaKe Up,
I wIsH DaT iT wiLL nOt Be D sAmE tHinG as BfR
I tRy To FiNisH Up mY sTudY oN TAMADUN ISLAM evEn Now I'm in PAge 9/469 (so SlOw)
I wAnT tO dO dAt anD daT anD eNd UP...OMG ..i'M lAzy
I saId OK aNd eNd UP noT dO tHaT tiLL toDay..i'M sO lAzy
EveRyDAy I wIsh I gOt a PhoNe CaLL :-
" is dat Arbanah..i receive ur cv...bla..bla.."
WaKe UP ar!!!
SlEePy..NiTe 2253
Khamis, 22 April 2010
isLaMisaSi (*>*)

TIME : 1 PM - 2 PM
it was sad and memorable day, as it was the first time i work as a trainee, i feel that i was accepted and be part of them.
MOST of them like my brother especially abg arif, as i did my work, i look at him and he will say
" AR, ok x ?"
" OK jah =)" but......bla ...bla
i can see how much kak Izan help me in understanding things
i can see a determination when talked with ABG PACAL
i can feel the kindness of my sv KAK AYA
i can feel how much EN AIDI care about me under his department
i learnt a lot here..
thanks a lot
Rabu, 21 April 2010

life is not easy as u thought,
Striving for excellence does not mean that you must be perfect. It means that you use your talents, abilities, and skills in the best way possible and get ahead of others by giving that little extra.
Here are some practical ways of bringing more excellence into your life.
1. Always give more than is expected of you
Helping others regardless of what’s in it for you, exceeding expectations and going that extra mile will set you apart from others. Learn to look at every situation in terms of the value you can add to that situation. Do things faster, better, and even more cheerfully for everyone in your life – customers, employer, family, and for yourself.
2. Have a passion for whatever you do for a living.
Half-hearted attempts will ultimately show up as mediocrity. Make what you do part of your daily life, part of who you are. Seek out those things you can get passionate about and use them to create excellence in your life.
Also, be totally committed to what you do, as excellence is only possible only with commitment. Either find a way to become fully committed to what you’re doing, or find something else to do.
Once totally committed, you will be able to work around obstacles..
3. Believe that what you do matters, and that it will make a difference
A life of excellence comes from continually making a contribution. You can’t save the whole world single-handedly, and we can’t all be a Salahuddin al-Ayubi, but you can certainly make a difference one person at a time. So look for ways to contribute. Ask yourself what special skill or knowledge do you have, that can solve a problem or make the best of a situation?
4. Challenge yourself to excel all the time – and build your confidence and competence
The person you become in the pursuit of your dream is worth far more than the achievement of that dream. Aim high and push to be your absolute best, and then go even beyond that – you are capable of far more than you think. At the same time, be realistic – don’t set your sights so high that you have no way of reaching your goal. You may have dreams, but belief that Allah who make it happen.
5. Expect the best of everyone around you
By expecting the best from others, generally you will get the best from them. Most important of all, expect the best from yourself. Talk to yourself in positive terms. Eliminate all negative self-talk.
6. Always follow through and follow up
Many times a job remains unfinished as the initial excitement about starting the job wanes, but just a little more effort to finish it will bring big results. Conversely, start only what you know you can finish. Also, do it right the first time and save yourself a lot of time in not having to go back and fix it later.
7. Focus on one thing at a time
Plan your time so that you can give each task its due undivided attention. Block out any distractions such as TV, mobile phones, emails, visitors and so on. Ask yourself – what is important, your goal or the distraction? Of course your goal
8. Take extreme self care
Only by being in top physical and mental state can you have the energy, drive and vitality to excel. Take regular breaks – work diligently whilst you are at it, but after that put it aside. Have regular vacations and use that time to reflect on bringing even more excellence into your life. Don't forget to pray a lot, recite al-Quran and have zikir as your meditation.
9. Learn from every experience, and learn from others
Every situation has a learning opportunity -see problems and obstacles as opportunities to grow and excel. Look around and appreciate excellence whenever you come across it, and learn what you can from it. Ask questions of others. There is no shame in not knowing something – there are no stupid questions. See any criticism as a gift of feedback.
10. Use all available tools
Nowadays we all have access to so many tools such as computers, internet, accountancy packages, and DIY guides. Remember that a tool is anything that helps you excel – don’t get hung up on what it is, and focus on what it can do for you.
Key Performance Index ARBANAH
Apabila akhirat nanti, ada 7 orang yang akan mendapat naungan Allah.Mereka adalah:
-imam yang adil
-pemuda yang sentiasa beribadah kepada Allah
-lelaki yang hatinya terikat kepada masjid
-dua lelaki yang berkasih sayang kerana Allah, bertemu dan berpisah kerana Allah
dgn mengharapkan keredhaannya
-lelaki yang menolak pelawaan wanita yang rupawan lagi bangsawan dan hartawan yg mengajaknya untuk melakukan kemungkaran
-lelaki yang bersedekah secara diam-diam
-lelaki yang mengingati Allah, lalu menitis air matanya
Isnin, 19 April 2010
1.What led you to choose your field or major?
2.What is your greatest achievement?
3.Tell me something about yourself
4.Why should we hire you?
5.What are your strengths and weaknesses?
6.How did you deal with difficult people in your team?
7.Why do you want to work for this company?
Ahad, 18 April 2010
Nota Cinta

Album : Nota Cinta

Seringkali saya tercari-cari diri saya. Adakah ini jalan yang dipilih. Ya ini adalah jalan yang ditentukan oleh Allah untuk saya. Kadang - kadang menjelma di hati, alangkah bestnya dapat mendidik, dalam erti kata lain memilih untuk menjadi seorang guru, memiliki sebuah Pusat Jagaan Anak-Anak, berniaga, membuka pusat bimbingan akidah dan sebagainya. Tetapi alasan yang digunakan saya..saya graduate daripada course yang sangat susah (untuk diri saya sahaja) dan saya mengharunginya jugak walaupun kekadang terasa pahitnya atau otak sudah jem untuk berfikir pasal engineering! Semasa menghantar report, sempat juga berjumpa 2, 3 orang lecturers dan kawan-kawan satu course. sempat diskusi dengan salah seorang lecturer yang sanggup memberi tajuk propasal. tetapi dalam hati...i'm sick of chemical engineering!..walaupun berpura-pura untuk menghubungi lecturer itu untuk sambung master! Seorang senior yang berjaya meyambung PHD without melalui master menyuruh kami meyambung master. Die sekarang masih UITM DI HATIKU!.
Isnin, 12 April 2010
TeGUraN Akhie

“Dan Kami pun menjadikan di antara mereka para pemimpin yang memberikan petunjuk dengan bimbingan perintah Kami karena mereka kemahuan bersabar dan senantiasa meyakini ayat-ayat Kami.” (QS. As Sajdah: 24).
mudah-mudahan ramai antara pemuda yang akan bangkit menegur kepada kebenaran
Dgn Nama ALlah
" Ya Allah, hiasilah drku dengan sifat mahmudah"
p1 : abg, pg mkn x?
akhie : pg. awak nak ikut ke? naik basikal la
p1 :ktowng da xley masuk kete da, ktowng skrng slalu naek kete abg2 g bli makanan
akhie : kakak xde ke nak bwk kowng?
p1:downg makan kul 2, kena jg kabin
akhie : orng perempuan xelok pg dgn lelaki beli makanan
p1 : tp ktowng bertiga naek kereta tue
akhie : mmg la bertiga, tp xelok la orng perempuan
p1 : p mcm mane ktowng nak g bli makanan??
akhie : camni la, awak amik sticker kat abg esok
p1 : ok,thanks
akhirnya, hari tue 3 orng budak perempuan tue xpg makan tengah hari., sebaliknya memesan dgn abg2 mknan yg sama jenis. walaupun berlapar, syariat Allah kena tegakkan! Tgoran tu mmg berbekas di hati. akhie tu biarpun berkomunikasi dgn kawan ana, ttp sangat menuju kpd ana. hari tue, ana gelisah..ana tau akhie tu sama jemaah dgn ana! dalam hati ana, ana terlupa perkara sekecil ini sebenarnya diperhatikan!
“Tidak halal bagi wanita yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir melakukan perjalanan sepanjang siang dan malam (dalam riwayat lain disebutkan, sepanjang dua hari) kecuali apabila dia ditemani dengan mahramnya.” (HR. Bukhari)

Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah menceritakan bahwasanya:
“Kelak pada hari kiamat matahari didekatkan di atas kepala umat manusia dan keringat dosa mereka bercucuran membanjiri dan bahkan ada yang hampir tenggelam di dalam lautan keringatnya sendiri, alangkah teriknya matahari ketika itu. Namun subhanallah, Allah Yang Maha Pemurah memberikan sebuah keistimewaan bagi para pemuda yang tumbuh dalam ketaatan beribadah kepada-Nya, yaitu mereka akan mendapatkan naungan Arsy Allah ta’ala.”
nie pulak yusof qardawi menggariskan syarat pergaulan antara muslim dan muslimat:-
- saling merendahkan pandangan dan memastikan tiada pandangan disusuli nafsu
- lelaki dan wanita tidak boleh bersama di satu tempat melainkan ada lelaki lain
Allah juga berfirman,
وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْراً أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَن يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَالاً مُّبِيناً
“Dan tidaklah pantas bagi lelaki maupun perempuan yang beriman apabila Allah dan Rasul-Nya sudah memutuskan suatu perkara kemudian mereka justru mencari pilihan lain. Dan barang siapa yang durhaka kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya maka sungguh dia telah sesat dengan kesesatan yang nyata.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 36)
mengapa mesti memilih jalan lain, walhal anda masih perlu berusaha lagi untuk mendapat redha allah!
mengapa sesuatu syariat itu dikeluarkan melainkan semua itu adalah baik belaka!!
Allah juga berfirman,
قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَاللّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ
“Katakanlah: Jika engkau mencintai Allah maka ikutilah aku, niscaya Allah akan mencintaimu dan mengampuni dosa-dosa kamu. Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” (QS. Ali Imran: 31)
semoga masih ade waktu itu untuk kita berubah!!! smoga Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa kita!! amin

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana ukhwah keranaNya sangat indah
" Ya Allah, tunjukkilah jalan lurus, jgn Kau pesongkan hati ku setelah Engkau memberi hidayat
kepadaku, Ya Allah, hiasilah diriku dengan sifat mahmudah, jauhilah ku dari sifat mazmumah."
Walaupun ana mula menghitung hari lantaran bakal keluar dari rumah ini dan bakal menempuh dunia yang jauh berbeza dan yang patut ana hadapi. sedihnya hati, tuhan saja yang tahu.
syukran. ana dilahirkan istimewa, berada di kalangan UTPian. ana sempat memerhati bahawa antum dianugerahkan Allah nikmat-nikmat yang patut antum banyakkan bersyukur!!
berada di kalangan mereka menyebabkan ana mengetahui perbezaan-perbezaan yang sangat ketara antara student UTP dan dr U laen.
first things yang ana takut hadapi adalah, tnggal di rumah sewa. cerita dr rakan yang selalu menyewa rumah ketika study menyebabkan ana takut. p kerana allah sygkan ana, die memberi ana ujian itu
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu tapi ia terbaik untukmu,dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu tapi ia bukan yang terbaik untukmu" (Al-Baqarah: 216)
kerteh, tmpt ketiga, p ini adalah merupakan rumah-rumah yang dapat mendidik hati-hati manusia yang mahu berubah. kami cube solat jemaah, dan akan bertukar2 iman, pergi usrah sama-sama, riadah kat court basketball di rantau bukit, pg breakfast dan msk2..he3..best
ana banyak bersabar walaupun penat ttp ia mengajar kita kerana ana tau..inallah ha ma sobirin. walaupun 'temper' ana tetiba naek apabila rumah bersepah dan sampah bertambun dan pinggan mangkuk xterbasuh.... ana akan duduk berfikir sejenak...mereka mangsa keadaan. kerana mereka dilahirkan dari keluarga yang berbeza
“Sabarlah (menghadapi segala kesukaran dengan cekal hati); sesungguhnya Allah berserta orang-orang yang sabar.”(An Anfal :46)
terima kasih kawan-kawan
ada jodoh kita akan berjumpa lagi..insyaAllah
Rasulullah telah bersabda :
“Janganlah kamu bersahabat kecuali dengan orang yang beriman dan makanan kamu janganlah di makan kecuali oleh orang yang bertakwa”
Khamis, 8 April 2010
Rabu, 7 April 2010
...::::at the end of my life::::.....heaven or...
عن أبي عبد الله جابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري رضي الله عنهما، أن رجلا سأل رسول الله e
فقال: أرأیت إذا صليت المكتوبات وصمت رمضان وأحللت الحلال، وحرمت الحرام، ولم
أزد على ذلك شيئا، أدخل الجنة؟ قال نعم )) رواه مسلم. ومعنى حرمت الحرام اجتنبته،
ومعنى أحللت الحلال فعلته معتقدا حله.
Daripada Abu Abdullah Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansarie r.a., رضي الله عنهما (beliau meriwayatkan):
Bahawa seorang lelaki telah bertanyakan Rasulullah SAW, dia berkata: Bagaimana pandanganmu jika
aku mendirikan sembahyang-sembahyang fardhu, aku berpuasa bulan Ramadhan, aku menghalalkan
perkara yang halal dan aku mengharamkan perkara yang haram. Aku tidak akan menambah apa-apa
lagi lebih daripada itu. Apakah aku akan masuk syurga? Baginda bersabda: Ya!
Hadis riwayat al-lmam Muslim.
saya huraikan berdasarkan yang didiskusi la ekh..first, if kte tgk pada hadis nie,,,simple sgt2.nak msuk syurga senang jer..if u buat yg nie...
- solat fardhu
- puasa wajib ramadhan
- halalkan yg halal
- haramkan yg haram
"it easy to speak, hard to do"
cam tu la ana rase. if antum tgk pada solat fardhu tu.mmg xpnh tnggal kan (assumption<), ttp persoalannya,
"adakah sempurna solat kamu???"
ana hadir bengkel solat anjuran surau mawar dulu la kan, check2 kekadang terkurang sana, ade benda yang diada-adakan lak selama nie, xcukup dengan xwajib pon benda tuh...yang kusyuk tu susah la, so blaja2 la. kalo da teringat kunci yg hilang masa solat tue, pk2kan la. solat pulak, bermula dengan air sembahyang antum la plak. btol ke air sembahyang btol2 kena kulit yang kita amik tue..so fikir2 la kawan-kawan yang ade terkuku panjang ag..xtermasuk ag yg banyak was-was sampaikan basah lecun kawan ana punya baju sbb was-was.yg plng kte tdk sedar bermula ape yang kita makan pulak.hurm..check la ekh!
puasa la plak.i respect kat sahabat yang dapat puasa stiap isnin n khmis.
p btol2 ke puasa kita tu sempurna la kan. yg ramadhan tu, stakat mana time antum puasa, antum xdgr kwn mengumpat, dgr lagu lagha, jijak kaki ke tempat hiburan ag, mata lak tgk kat abg pkai kopiah yg muka bersih tu...lapar2,p...hurm..check la ekh!
halal yg halal, haram yg haram
nie banyak songeh la plak. kte kata arak itu haram, orng melayu sendiri suka2 nak minum lak.xphm2..owh..bcoz die melayu jer kn..sesimple g klinik la plak. ana lak slalu gak 3rd place klinik. especially my asthmatic la kn. mase medical check out, die akan check ana punya breath la kan...do I have choice nak doc puan? sbb kita tak take serious, kte banyak bg alasan, bcoz for health. nasihat ukhti la kan, please tegakkan Islam, xde sbb you xley carik klinik doc prempuan. tu termasuk ana suspicious infection kat k*****, so kena check la kan...die ckp, "xpe dik, akak masuk la". ...lg title kapel islamic...lg ...no komen byk2 ..
how Islam as simple cannot b applied la..hurm..
(rase banyak nye dosa, adakah syurga itu milikku???)
Khamis, 1 April 2010
HoLd My HanD
I GUESS MOST of u know well this song,
nice to hear
let it be ur tazkirah
it bcome pop now!!
during my discussion session wif Kak Yana
u hv choice
whether to let Jahiliyyah (hear lagha song)
bcome part of ur life
or u leave it
maybe it will b hard for u, me also. i bring up by listening a lot of indie band song n last time my fav radio is fly.fm, i do prefer Hollywood movie rather than Malay movie.
but now i need to thnk..
i realized, i do not hv spirit aftr listen to that song
i hd waste my time
i hv choice now :-
islam + islam = islam
islam + jahiliyyah = jahiliyyah
jahiliyyah + jahiliyyah = jahiliyyah
For D Rest of MY liFE
-maher zain-
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
*Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally
Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart..
Hold My Hand Lyrics
I hear the flower’s kinda crying loud
The breeze’s sound in sad
Oh no
Tell me when did we become,
So cold and empty inside
Lost a way long time ago
Did we really turn out blind
We don’t see that we keep hurting each other no
All we do is just fight
Now we share the same bright sun,
The same round moon
Why don’t we share the same love
Tell me why not
Life is shorter than most have thought
Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let’s pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you
Children seem like they’ve lost their smile
On the new blooded playgrounds
Oh no
How could we ignore , heartbreaking crying sounds
And we’re still going on
Like nobody really cares
And we just stopped feeling all the pain because
Like it’s a daily basic affair
Now we share the same bright sun,
The same round moon
Why don’t we share the same love
Tell me why not
Life is shorter than most have thought
Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let’s pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you
No matter how far I might be
I’m always gonne be your neighbor
There’s only one small planet where to be
So I’m always gonna be your neighbor
We cannot hide, we can’t deny
That we’re always gonna be neighbors
You’re neighbor, my neighbor
We’re neighbors
So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what have left behind
So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let’s pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you
Alllahu Akbar…
If you ask me about love
And what i know about it
My answer would be
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love, to our souls
The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe
The one that made us whole and free
The guardian of HIS true believers
So when the time is hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
So when the time is hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…
HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all’ll be over
And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine
So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…
Allahu Akbar…
So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And he knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…
Allahu Akbar…
Palestine Will Be Free Lyrics
Every day we tell each other
That this day will be the last
And tomorrow we all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
No mother no father to wipe away my tears
That’s why I won’t cry
I feel scared but I won’t show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun’s light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I’m only a child
But is your conscience still alive
I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone and every tree
‘Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
Coz your soul will always be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
sleep la! 2morrow going bck to Kelate.